Clean Streets…Another Piece of the Puzzle

As we discussed recently here, here, here, here, and oh yeah here, WUMCRC and the Forest Park Southeast Public Infrastructure and Beautification Committee have teamed together to work on improving the arteries of the neighborhood.  With Manchester receiving a $3 million face lift in the very near future, the committee has concentrated its efforts on improving the neighborhood’s other highly traveled streets, including Taylor, Newstead, Tower Grove, Boyle, and Sarah.  While these streets have seen or will see a host of enhancements, the missing piece seems to be litter and debris pick-up.

Well, not anymore.  Herbert Hoover Adams Park Unit’s Youth Employment Program will now be working weekly on maintaining these corridors and picking up litter and debris.  The Grove Community Improvement District currently contracts to have Manchester picked up on a weekly basis, now the North-South corridors will receive a similar treatment.

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