Coming Soon: New Pedestrian Street Lights In CWE

Tara Bolen sat down today for a Q & A session with Dan Krasnoff, executive director of Parks Central Development Corporation.  Dan discussed the new pedestrian street lights that will be installed to enhance safety and security for the pedestrians that frequent the Central West End.  WUMCRC was one of the funding partners for the new lights along with the 17th Ward, Joe Roddy, and Park Central CDC.

A couple years ago, Parks Central Public Infrastructure Committee conducted a study to look at the future lighting in the neighborhood.  The new Taylor street lights will reflect the results from that study to help reduce light pollution.  The lights contain “cut off fixtures” which will direct the light down to the sidewalks where the light needs to be so the light won’t seep into the windows of peoples homes. Once installed, these new lights will enhance the “walkability” and safety along this important neighborhood pedestrian corridor.

The new lights, which  look similar to those along Sarah Street (see below), will be installed along Taylor Avenue between Forest Park Avenue and Lindell Boulevard. Construction is set to be completed during the spring of 2011.

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