Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation

For over 5 decades, we have made significant improvements in human and social services, diverse housing options, residential life and safety in the neighborhoods surrounding the medical center campus. As the Washington University School of Medicine and BJC Healthcare continue to grow, we continue to help community residents and businesses grow and thrive


Neighborhoods served

0 K

Residents per 2020 census

$ 0

Millions invested in neighborhoods


Families Assisted in Holiday Outreach (since 2007)

OUR partners

Delmar Collaborative

The collaborative seeks  to connect, collaborate, and keep up to date on projects, programs, and events happening in neighborhoods next to Delmar Blvd, in the City of St. Louis, between Vandeventer Ave and Skinker Blvd. As an anchor institution, WUMCRC convenes this meeting annually to facilitate meaningful discussions for the betterment of the corridor. 

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