Davenport Visits FPSE for Revitalization Ideas

Yesterday, WUMCRC hosted representatives from a Davenport, Iowa neighborhood that is undergoing a revitalization of its own.  The Hilltop neighborhood, adjacent to St. Ambrose University, is faced with many issues regarding abandoned structures and inadequate infrastructure.   Davenport local officials, university representatives, citizen activists and a local news film crew wanted to learn how WUMCRC has helped address those same issues in Forest Park Southeast.

FPSE representatives (Joseph Roddy, Rick Bonasch, Amy Gill, Kelly Kenter, Roman Kordal, Dan Krasnoff, Pete Rothschild, Kim Yawitz)  addressed the Davenport group through a panel discussion at the Adams Park Community Center. The discussion touched on both success stories and current struggles for the neighborhood and offered insight on possible programs for the Hilltop Neighborhood. The panel discussion was followed by a bus and walking tour of FPSE, the Grove, WUMC campus and the Central West End.

It was great to host Davenport, Iowa representatives and a true honor to be recognized as a model for revitalization efforts.

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