Employment Program Continues to Assist Area Residents

For the past 8 years, WUMCRC has fully funded and supported MERS/Goodwill to operate a full-time employment agency geared at helping Forest Park Southeast residents with employment. Residents, free of charge, can participate in  three weeks of classes that include vital job search methods, the importance of self-esteem and self-respect, as well as skills training and GED courses. Upon completion of the program, employment specialists assist participants in finding quality employment. Since the program’s inception, over 250 residents have completed the program and are better prepared for the job market.

This week, we got a chance to sit in on one of the classes and talk to MERS/Goodwill employment coordinator Shaquira…

“Initially, some of the participants in the program may not have the skills and tools necessary to get their foot in the door.  When participants come out of the program, they are much better prepared for success and their skills are more refined.  During these tough times, it is very easy to get discouraged.  However, it is important that job-seekers utilize as many non-traditional methods as possible.”

Previous I-64 Opens Monday, December 7th

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