“Evolution of the Bike” in the Heart of The Grove

The Grove’s latest mural, “Evolution of the Bike” is a play off of  “The Evolution of Man”.  Located on the corner of Tower Grove Ave. and Manchester Ave., the mural is  along the Bike St. Louis path where lots of cyclists travel.  The mural was funded by WUMC and was unveiled at this year’s Tour de Grove.  The mural’s artist, Grace McCammond stated,

“The inspiration for the mural came from brainstorming on how we could create a mural for the Tour de Grove bike race that wasn’t obviously promoting the event.  From those conversations we started thinking of the many different bicycles throughout the years, which transpired into the “Evolution of the Bike” mural.”

McCammond goes on to say,

“The public reception of the mural has been amazingly positive.  While I was painting the mural, customers standing in line at Sweetie Pie’s restaurant, as well as people walking or riding by would ask questions and tell me how much they liked it.  I must have had 200 people tell me how much they liked it.”

Grace and the WUMC team are currently working together on the next mural project.  Stay tuned!

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