Exclamation Markee: New Sculpture with a Message!

Introducing the Grove’s latest installation, the Exclamation Marquee Sculpture!  Situated at the highly trafficked corner of Chouteau and Vandeventer, the newest addition to the Grove neighborhood serves as a message board, announcing upcoming events for all to see!

It was collaboratively designed by Grace McCammond, Andrew Woodard and Brooks Goedeker, with the purpose of standardizing the existing Cor-ten Steel installations sparsed throughout the neighborhood, while serving as an artistic display where people could look to see what’s happening in the Grove.

Created with a nod to the famous Philadelphia “Love” sculpture in JFK Plaza, artist Grace McCammond explained, “We didn’t want it to just be a sign, and we didn’t just want a message board.  We wanted something with more artistic flair, and it just evolved from there.”  And artistic flair it most definitely has.  Note the trademark “Grove Starbursts” on the piece, which ties the existing Grove signs together with the sculpture and even further connects the various art installations throughout the neighborhood.

Andrew Woodard helped to ensure that the piece was structurally sound and also completed all the welding work that the sculpture required.

A special thanks to Commerce Bank for allowing the sculpture to be located on the site, and to all who were involved in the process of design and installation.  Look for Grace to be putting some final touches on the Exclamation Marquee as she paints the letters red this week!  Great work everyone!

Sculpture & Banner Promoting Grove Fest 2012

Grove Sculpture

Andrew Woodard welding the sculpture

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