FPSE Youth Lead Grove Mural Project

Last Fall, WUMCRC’s Community Development Manager, Brooks Goedeker wrote a successful grant funded by the St. Cronan Housing Corporation and the Grove Community Improvement District.  The project partners Forest Park Southeast adolescents from the Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club with local artist, Grace McCammond to design and implement 4 murals along Manchester Avenue in the Grove.  “The youth are really excited to help play a part in the reemergence of Manchester  and to create Art that will be up for years to come”, stated Goedeker.

The first mural will be dedicated to the upcoming (May 14, 2011) Tour de Grove bike race and will be going up next month.  A total of 12 Forest Park Southeast adolescents are currently participating in the program.

Participants work with Grove property owner, Terry O' Bryant to come up with a concept for his building













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