I-64/Tower Grove Project Still On Schedule

The $25 million I-64-Tower Grove interchange project continues to move forward smoothly. Replacement of two of the four bridges are now complete. Local traffic is moving with ease over the new South Taylor and South Newstead bridges that connect the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood and the Washington University Medical Center campus. In early March, the Tower Grove and South Boyle bridges will be demolished. The new Tower Grove bridge will be connected to a new roundabout at the intersection of Tower Grove and Papin Avenues. Both the Tower Grove and South Boyle Avenue bridges will be rebuilt and open in time for the project’s completion in early June, 2014. When complete, the new interchange will provide better access to the Washington University Medical Center and CORTEX District campuses, while creating a new entrance into the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood and communities along the Tower Grove corridor.


If you are curious as to how the new interchange might work during the morning and evening rush hours, then click the links below.

AM Rush Example

PM Rush Example


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