New Paint-by-Numbers Mural A Big Hit at Grove Fest 5

The new paint-by-numbers mural was a big hit at Grove Fest 5.  Grace McCammond, once again designed and oversaw the  painting.  Grace has designed all of the previous Grove Fest’s murals.  This year’s painting especially stood out from the rest, highlighting some of the unique signage and details of the Grove.  Here is what Grace had to say about the mural:

“One of the most unique aspects of the Grove is the murals throughout the neighborhood and every year, the paint-by-numbers mural adds something new for area residents and visitors.  This year’s mural  is one my favorites and it was really fun to prepare!  Working with the Grove Fest committee, we evoked inspiration for the design from the old 1950’s post cards and we used the most colors (35)  ever for a paint-by-numbers mural.  While doing the prep work for the mural, hundreds of individuals approached me to tell me how much they liked the design.  It was really a fun project and i think visitors to the area will enjoy it for year’s to come.”

One passerby was President of the Board of Alderman, Lewis Reed, who recently highlighted the mural in his blog.  Check out the video of the interview with Grace below.

*The mural was funded by the Forest Park South Business Association and WUMCRC.  Thanks to Archway Sales for volunteering the use of their building.


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