Sprucing Up The Neighborhood

Crews were out recently sprucing up the perennial garden, planters along Chouteau Avenue and flowers surrounding the Forest Park Southeast entry signs.  These areas are maintained by Washington University Medical Center and provide attractive areas for the neighborhood residents and visitors.


Forest Park Southeast Neighborhood Signs:


Forest Park Southeast sign on the corner of Tower Grove Avenue and Chouteau Avenue

Forest Park Southeast sign on the corner of Tower Grove Avenue and Vandeventer Avenue (Present day)

BEFORE the Forest Park Southeast sign was installed on the corner of Tower Grove Avenue and Chouteau Avenue

Chouteau Avenue Planters:

Planter on the corner of Chouteau Avenue and Taylor Avenue

BEFORE: Installation of planter on Chouteau Avenue

Neighborhood Perennial Garden:

Perennial garden on the corner of Norfolk Avenue and Boyle Avenue

BEFORE: Constructing the perennial garden on the corner of Norfolk Avenue and Boyle Avenue


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