FPSE Resident Impacted by Rebuilding Together St. Louis

Diane Ottinger, a resident in the FPSE Neighborhood, has recently been the recipient of a Rebuilding Together-St.Louis rehabilitation project. This June she was chosen to receive a new roof, and she is currently having her front porch replaced. With Diane having her Vista ave home revitalized with much needed repairs, she is regaining the ability to live in her home independently, safely, and comfortably.

This is just a small portion of the rehabilitation that is happening in the FPSE Neighborhood. Helping elderly residents in low income properties in FPSE is a priority of WUMC and with the help of Rebuilding Together St.Louis residents in FPSE are being impacted positively. With each seemingly small step we work closer to revitalizing the FPSE community and creating a positive community atmosphere.

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