Meet Abby Orscheln: WUMCRC’s Newest Safety and Security Intern

Abby Orscheln, Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation’s newest Safety and Security Intern, is currently working on completing her Master’s in Criminology at University of Missouri- Saint Louis. Abby plans on completing her degree in the spring of 2017.

As the Safety and Security intern for WUMCRC, Abby’s responsibilities include creating and analyzing weekly calls for service maps and monthly crime reports, updating the FPSE safety and security website, and working closely with the Block Captain program. Abby also assists with numerous other duties and special events.

When she is not working to better the community Abby enjoys playing tennis, taking her dog, JD, to the dog park, and watching Netflix.



WUMCRC: “Why are you excited to be working in Forest Park Southeast?”

ABBY: “I don’t get to spend much time in the city, so I’m excited to be close to different and new activities and people.”

WUMCRC: “What do you enjoy most about living in St. Louis?”

ABBY: “You can’t ever be bored because there are a thousand things to do. I’ve always lived in a small town, so being able to experience new cultures has been exciting and eye-opening.”

WUMCRC: “If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?”

ABBY: “Shapeshifting. Not only could I become any animal, but I could change my hair slightly or eye color or height. Or be Meryl Streep.”

Previous 2016 Developer Showcase Highlights The FPSE & CWE Neighborhoods

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