New Streetlights Arrive for the Progressing Manchester Streetscape

Cold weather combined with fresh snow has stalled the sidewalk work along Manchester Avenue, but progress continues on other improvements with the arrival of the new pedestrian street lights.   The first group of the pink granite base columns is now on site and awaiting installation. These lights will replace the current “Cobra” style fixtures that extend into the roadway. In an effort to improve the “walkability” and safety along Manchester Avenue between Sarah and Taylor, these new lights will be a much welcomed aid. This phase of the project will include the installation of over 100 pedestrian lights on the north and south side of the street.

The larger $2 million Manchester Streetscape Project is schedule to finish early this spring. Upon completion there will be improved lighting, ADA curb-cuts, public art displays, countdown pedestrian signals, trash receptacles,  bike racks, 69 shrubs, and 110 trees. In addition, Manchester Avenue will go on a “road diet”, as it is re-striped to one lane of traffic in each direction with a dedicated turn lane down the middle.  Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation (WUMCRC) provided part of the local funding match to redevelop the streetscape.

Shipment of new pedestrian streetlight posts

Close-up image of pedestrian streetlight

Image of the current "Cobra" style lighting that will be replaced

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