Meet Dalton Davidson: WUMCRC’s Newest Safety and Security Intern

Dalton Davidson, Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation’s newest intern, is currently working on completing his undergrad in Criminal Justice at Saint Louis University. Dalton plans on completing his degree in the fall of 2016.

As the Safety and Security intern for WUMCRC, Dalton’s responsibilities include creating and analyzing weekly calls for service maps and monthly crime reports, updating the FPSE safety and security website, and working closely with the Block Captain program. Dalton also assists with numerous other duties and special events.

When he is not working to better the community Dalton enjoys reading, playing video games, working out, and spending time with his loved ones.

Dalton Davidson









WUMCRC: “What are some advantages of working in FPSE?”

Dalton: “I get to experience some real world work with safety and security issues on a neighborhood level. It gives me some personal insight into some of the trials and tribulations of safety and security work on a civilian level. I also enjoy working in such a diverse, caring community. Everyone here really seems to want to put effort forward to help their community.”

WUMCRC: “What do you enjoy most about living in St. Louis?”

Dalton: “There is a lot to do around St. Louis, and I love the people I have met here in Saint Louis and at Saint Louis University. I also love being close to home, only an hour away.”

WUMCRC: “If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?”

Dalton: “Well I loves stories of all sorts. Books, movies, games, comics, television, songs, poems, whatever; I like it all. So I think it would be really cool to hop into any story I want whenever I choose to.”

Previous Meet Joel Glasscock: A WUMCRC Intern

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