August 17, 2012 In Community Events‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 It’s Happening – Grove Fest 7 Returns!
May 16, 2012 In Community Events‚ Forest Park Southeast‚ Manchester Avenue‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 Prepping for GroveFest 2012
October 21, 2011 In Beautification / Infrastructure‚ Forest Park Southeast‚ Manchester Avenue‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 Second Entry Marker is Set to Welcome Visitors at Western End of the Grove
June 21, 2011 In Beautification / Infrastructure‚ Forest Park Southeast‚ Manchester Avenue‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID‚ WUMCRC News 0 WUMCRC Announces Contribution To Second Grove Sign
June 16, 2011 In Community Events‚ Manchester Avenue‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 It’s Coming…Grove Fest VI!
June 4, 2011 In Beautification / Infrastructure‚ Forest Park Southeast‚ Manchester Avenue‚ Public Art‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 ‘Groovin In the Grove’ Mural Completed
May 17, 2011 In Beautification / Infrastructure‚ Forest Park Southeast‚ Manchester Avenue‚ Public Art‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 Progression of the Second Mural Painting
April 28, 2011 In Beautification / Infrastructure‚ Forest Park Southeast‚ Manchester Avenue‚ The Grove‚ The Grove CID 0 Tour de Grove Mural Complete