Historic District Expansion in Forest Park Southeast

The fourth Forest Park Southeast Historic District Expansion has officially been approved!

The original FPSE Historic District was approved in 2001 and was bounded by Chouteau, the alley between Manchester and Cadet, and Kingshighway and S. South. The first boundary increase in 2005, included 4170-4370 (even) and 4229-4341 (odd) Manchester. The second boundary increase in 2007, included 4121-25, 4127-29, 4131, 4133, 4137, 4139-41, 4143, 4145, 4501-07, 4509-11, 4510, and 4512-14 Manchester Ave. The third boundary increase in 2009, included 4100-4162 Manchester (even) 4151-4201 Manchester (odd) & 4216 Gibson.

New Boundaries Map

The fourth, and newest, boundary increase was approved in December 2012, which now includes portions of Boyle, Kentucky, Norfolk, Swan, Talmage, Tower Grove, Vandeventer & Vista (12/19/12).

Grove Properties LLC and Mangrove Redevelopment, whose owners are both Forest Park Southeast residents, hired and funded an experienced local historic tax credit consultant to complete and submit the lengthy and quite expansive application.

This new historic tax credit status should serve as an incentive to help Forest Park Southeast attract further historic renovations to areas previously overlooked.  It is an opportunity for developers of all sizes to restore buildings according to criteria set by the National Park Service and in return receive a 20% federal tax credit.  The State of Missouri currently offers qualified applicants an additional 25% credit if the completed work meets the criteria.

Each developer will need to submit its own application, which includes the renovation plans for each building they plan to restore.  Once the National Park Service and the State approve of the plans, work may begin.  Developers should not begin work until after their plans have been approved, as this will jeopardize their ability to receive tax credits.

The new boundaries has been registered with the National Park Service, the renovation criteria set by the State and Federal governments does not apply to everyone who wants to work on their property or has no interest in the tax credits.  The new status does not require anyone to comply with their criteria, only those who wish to utilize the tax credits. The Missouri legislature is currently reviewing the existing program and considering making adjustments.

Image courtesy of City of St. Louis Planning & Urban Design Agency Cultural Resources Office

Local developer, Guy Slay had this to say about the historic district expansion:

“The benefits to existing residents and business owners have been demonstrated in our neighborhood and around the city.  When vacant buildings are restored and occupied, crime is reduced and nearby businesses benefit from having new customers within walking distance.

Mangrove’s role in advocating for and sponsoring this application process along with Grove Properties is to provide an incentive for potential developers of all sizes to restore buildings located within these boundaries.

By doing so, our historic architecture is preserved for future generations, crime is reduced, businesses have new customers and the quality of life for area residents is significantly improved.  New residents bring new and different energy and creativity.  We have great energy and creativity on the south side of Manchester.”

Image courtesy of City of St. Louis Planning & Urban Design Agency Cultural Resources Office

Brian Phillips, WUMC Executive Director, stated, “The process of expanding the district was a great example of how stakeholders in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood work together to reach consensus. Guy (Mangrove Redevelopment) and Austin (Grove Properties) approached WUMC and other neighborhood stakeholders to express their interest in expanding the district. WUMC provided some technical assistance in generating mapping data and worked with the consultant hired by Guy and Austin. In the end, the FPSE Development Committee fully endorsed the plan and now we have an expanded area of opportunity for redevelopment.”

Previous New Development Coming to FPSE

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