Skinker Debaliviere


Neighborhood overview

The Skinker DeBaliviere neighborhood is located north of Forest Park with Lindell Avenue to the south, Delmar Boulevard to the north, the City limits just past Skinker Boulevard to the west and DeBaliviere Boulevard to the east. Skinker DeBaliviere presents an array of historic and charming early 20th century single family homes, two family flats, and ornate apartment buildings which havebeen preserved by dedicated  residents.

Neighborhood statistics


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Copyright © 2025 Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation


Neighborhood overview

The Skinker DeBaliviere neighborhood is located north of Forest Park with Lindell Avenue to the south, Delmar Boulevard to the north, the City limits just past Skinker Boulevard to the west and DeBaliviere Boulevard to the east. Skinker DeBaliviere presents an array of historic and charming early 20th century single family homes, two family flats, and ornate apartment buildings which havebeen preserved by dedicated  residents.

Neighborhood statistics


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